Though Nordstrom is succeeding in these areas and is arguable the top of its field in customer satisfaction and loyalty, there is one area that Nordstrom could improve. With the advancement of smart phone technology, and an increase in consumer intelligence, Nordstrom can strike in this prim market. It is very easy for Nordstrom to be able to send various offers while consumers are in store. Using the Personal Book, Nordstrom already has customer’s preferences, which they can use to match with offers, and send them directly to their phone while they are in the store. A second area they could improve on is the post-evaluation stage. Consumers suffer from cognitive dissonance after the purchase of a large item, typically a car or house. However, since Nordstrom falls under the luxury department store umbrella, it is safe to say that some consumers will purchase a large amount of items. During this post-evaluation stage it is important for Nordstrom to contact the costumer and make them better about the purchase they mad, which in turn will make them feel better about Nordstrom, and make them repeat
Though Nordstrom is succeeding in these areas and is arguable the top of its field in customer satisfaction and loyalty, there is one area that Nordstrom could improve. With the advancement of smart phone technology, and an increase in consumer intelligence, Nordstrom can strike in this prim market. It is very easy for Nordstrom to be able to send various offers while consumers are in store. Using the Personal Book, Nordstrom already has customer’s preferences, which they can use to match with offers, and send them directly to their phone while they are in the store. A second area they could improve on is the post-evaluation stage. Consumers suffer from cognitive dissonance after the purchase of a large item, typically a car or house. However, since Nordstrom falls under the luxury department store umbrella, it is safe to say that some consumers will purchase a large amount of items. During this post-evaluation stage it is important for Nordstrom to contact the costumer and make them better about the purchase they mad, which in turn will make them feel better about Nordstrom, and make them repeat