SOC 360
Professor McDonnell
Performance Enhancing Drugs in Professional Sports: Fair Game or Foul Called?
“To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.” – Steve Prefontaine
The drive to be the best is incredible. Everywhere a person looks, there is a constant reminder of greatness. From the models in the magazines to the athletes on the playing field, these people are idolized. In today’s society, there is always pressure to be the best at what you do. Children are taught that to be the best you have to want it and you have to be able to do whatever it takes to get there. In professional sports, there are many different factors that can contribute to an athlete’s success and failure. The negative attention from the media, a social infraction of any kind or even the failure of a drug test are just a few examples. A major issue lately has been the illegal usage of performance enhancing drugs. Through the usage of these substances, athletes are able to perform better physically, athletically, and statistically. The main topic of discussion lately has been whether to create a …show more content…
The fact of the matter is, there would still be athletes who would be against even advocating for the legalization of performance enhancing drugs because it is against their person brand or maybe conflicts with one of their endorsement deals. This would just open the door for athletes to use a selected list of performance enhancers as prescribed by their medical professional, to better themselves athletically. It’s not illegal if everyone is doing it, right? By allowing the option, players would be able to make a choice as to whether they wanted to gain extra strength by taking a helping agent, or if the extra hard work in the training room was enough for