Name two feedback loops that regulate digestive system smooth muscle responsible for propulsive and mixing movements.…
In the following experiment, the key objective is to compare the mechanical changes in tonic force by longitudinal smooth muscle after the addition of different concentrations of the drugs noradrenaline and acetylcholine. Peristalsis is the wave of muscle contractions that allow circular muscles to constrict the gut and longitudinal muscles to shorten it in an attempt to move the food bolus towards the rectum. A series of dilutions were prepared for both drugs to deduce the effect this would have on the contractions of the mammalian gut. These were added, in turn, to Ringers solution containing the gut (a solution resembling blood serum in its salt constituents used for bathing and culturing animal cells1). Both drugs caused various changes in parameters: tension in the gut and rhythmic contractions. A kymograph helped us measure these parameters in order to draw conclusions to differentiate between the effects of the two drugs at different concentrations on the motility of the gut. Smooth muscle activity is controlled by the autonomic nervous system where the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions work against each other, thus this experiment allowed us to deduce how one division slows the digestive system and the other accelerates it.…
a) the rhythmic contraction of the smooth muscle in the gut wall to push food along…
Swallowing is the involuntary contraction of pharyngeal muscles which sets peristalsis begins with coordinated contractions and relaxation of muscles in the esophagus and into the stomach, where she just had surgery.…
6. Peristaltic contractions of the stomach occur about 3-5 times per minute when food makes it into the body & fundus.…
Ingestion which takes in food, propulsion which contains peristalsis(alternates the contracting and relaxation) and segmentation(movement of food back and fourth across an organ mixing with the digestive juices),mechanical digestion(breaks food into smaller peices),chemical digestion(breakdown large molecules into their building blocks; occurs in the mouth, stomach, & small intestines),absorption(transport of nutrients from the blood or lymph), and defection(elimination of waste in a solid form)…
Strong contractions of the ascending and transverse colon moving the contents of the colon toward the sigmoid colon are called:…
Before answering the questions below, log in to ADAM and view the clinical animations for Peristalsis and Gas Exchange. Remember, you may use our text, our discussions, and the internet to write your answers, but be sure to write your answers in your own words and to use correct citations where appropriate! Cutting and Pasting your responses will result in a Zero for this assignment!…
Pathophysiology: Diverticulitis, is characterized by inflamed diverticuli and increased luminal pressures that cause erosion of the bowel wall and thus microscopic or macroscopic perforation into the peritoneum. A localized abscess develops when the body is able to wall off the area of perforation (Lewis, 2011, pp.1022-1029).…
Signals from the SNS cause smooth muscles of the intestine to _excite_ contractions, while signals…
The poem opens with Perceval, whose mother has raised him apart from civilization in the forests of Wales. Since his father's death, he continually encounters knights and realizes he wants to be one. Despite his mother's objections, the boy heads to King Arthur's court, where a young girl predicts greatness for him. He is taunted by Sir Kay, but amazes everyone by killing a knight who had been troubling King Arthur and taking his vermilion armor. He then sets out for adventure. He trains under the experienced Gornemant then falls in love with and rescues Gornemant's niece Blanchefleur. They agree to marry.…
every part of the gastrointestinal tract is designed to help in the digestive process in a specific way. The mouth is involved in chewing also know as masticating. The purpose is to break down food into small enough pieces to pass through the esophagus and enter the stomach. The food is moistened with saliva helping turning it into bolus in order to turn initiate the digestion of food. The esophagus is a tube like muscle which use contractions to pass food from the mouth into the stomach it does not help with the digestive or absorptive function. The stomach acts like a sort of storage depot for food, but also acts as a place in which mechanical and chemical breakdown of food happens. The small intestine absorbs water, electrolytes, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Whereas the large intestine is where the food matter and water that can’t be absorbed is the formed into stools. The rectum is a temporary storage area for feces before passed.…
Poorly understood but is thought to include interference with one of the three major functions of the colon: mucosal transport, myoelectric activity, or the processes of defecation. The urge to defecate is stimulated normally by rectal distension that initiates a series of four actions: Stimulation of the inhibitory recto anal reflex, relaxation of the internal sphincter muscle, relaxation of the external sphincter muscles in the pelvic region, and increased intra-abdominal pressure. Interference with any of these processes can lead to constipation. If all organic causes are eliminated, idiopathic or functional constipation is diagnosed. When the urge to defecate is ignored, the rectal mucous membrane and musculature become insensitive to the presence of fecal masses, and consequently a stronger stimulus is required to produce the necessary peristaltic rush for defecation. Atony or decreased muscle tone occurs with aging. This may lead to constipation because the stool is retained for longer periods.…
Pertussis is an important communicable disease in which we must be aware of, it is exceedingly contagious. The main sign that one portrays when this disease is present is uncontained aggressive coughing, which can lead to difficulty in breathing to some individuals. Whooping cough is also another name for pertussis mainly because a whooping sound is heard when the patient tries to breath. Pertussis, is an upper respiratory infection caused by the Bordetella pertussis bacteria. Common cold like symptoms occur about a week after exposure to Bordetella pertussis bacteria. The whoop noise is rare in patients under 6 months of age and in adults.…
Pertussis has made a reemergence in well-vaccinated populations. Pathogenic adaptation and the decrease in strength are most likely the cause of the reemergence of pertussis. There is pressure for vaccine research because of the resurgence of the pathogen. Pertussis remains one of the leading causes of vaccine preventable deaths in infants under 1 year of age. Pertussis is a Gram-negative, bacillus called Bordetella pertussis. This bacterium binds to the ciliated epithelial cells in the nasopharynx of the upper respiratory tract. Disease presentation depends on age and history of previous infection or vaccination. Young infants present apnea and cyanosis, with or without disease symptoms. Adults and teens usually show mild symptoms, and have a typical prolonged cough. The human Bordetellea are classified as monomorphic, but there is evidence of genetic variation in B. pertussis. As far as vaccines, there are two types of licensed pertussis vaccines. The first generation is whole cell vaccines (WCVs), which are killed cells. The second generation is acellular vaccines (ACVs), which contain virulence factors. The WCVs contain whole dead cells that can cause more adverse effects compared to ACVs, which have been gradually replacing WCVs. Some of the virulence factors that the ACV uses are pertactin, filamentous hemagglutinin, two fimbriae serotypes, and chemically detoxified pertussis toxin. WCVs induce type 1 helper T cells, which assist cytotoxic T cells. WCVs also induce a broad antibody response against a range of surface antigens. ACVs induce type 2 helper T cells, which assist B cells. It causes a high antibody response against the vaccine antigens presented. Both of these vaccines give satisfactory long-term protection against pertussis. WCV is estimated to protect for 4-12 years and the AVC could last 5-7 years. Programs to vaccinate began in the 1950s with the WCV. This caused a dramatic drop in mortality and morbidity in children.…