Public administration is a large discipline in which employees manage local, city, state, and federal government functions. These workers set goals and employ strategies to ensure the government or community runs smoothly and safely.
Those in public administration are responsible for community programs, nonprofit management, economic development, urban/regional planning, and budget planning at the city, state, or federal level. Graduates of this field will rely heavily on organizational skills and creativity to effect change.
Here's what some had to say about the field: • "Through public administration, one learns about the current ways in which services and programs are being developed and managed to meet the needs of society and its individual communities." - College Board Book of Majors, 2nd edition • "Public policy studies how to do things, how to use what we have to make a world. In many cases, we even try to be fair. It has amazed me to learn that there is a science, a precision, a balancing to be addressed with the precision and discipline of an artist." - Kobi, a senior at Columbia University • "Public administration is a great field for those who want to make a difference in society." - Professor Danny Lee Balfour, Grand Valley State University
What do bureaucrats do all day in those hives of activity with the alphabet names? What policies and programs will those agencies like Health and Human Services, Education, Transportation, and Commerce be initiating or changing next?
Every facet of our daily lives is impacted in some way by the actions of the federal, state, or local bureaucracies that manage and organize the public life of the country and its citizens. Public administration trains the policy analyst who brings analytical skills to the task of advising public servants on the merits of particular public policy issues and evaluates programs as to which would best serve