Purpose and Rationale
Relationship group therapy focuses on developing, strengthening, or rebuilding healthy communication between parent and teen to decrease juvenile delinquent behaviors and recidivism. Often times, communication gap between parent and teen relationship influences a variety of risky behaviors such as shop lifting, drug use, inappropriate sexual behavior, and criminal activity resulting in juvenile delinquent consequences. Group therapy offers the ability for families to share similar personal experiences, support, recommendations, challenges, and barriers. Parents and teens are able to learn how to communicate thoughts, emotions, and share personal perspective appropriately to each other. Parents and …show more content…
This group requires the participation of a parent to an increase communication, awareness, support, connection and education. Chapter 1 of the text, Social Work with Groups, states "these groups are often called psychosocial rehabilitation or community support groups and focus on changing behavior, skill building, and increasing natural supports. Groups are frequently structured using cognitive and behavioral therapy approaches, and facilitators are often given substantial latitude as to the content and structure of specific group sessions" (Zastrow, 2015, p. 8). Cognitive and behavioral therapy strengths is evidenced based practice, positive outcomes, and can be used regardless of demographic. Therapy focuses on changing the thoughts and behaviors of parents and teens to improve communication. Limitations is group members may not apply what is practiced, group interaction and responses can have both positive and negative influences on each …show more content…
Advocacy, why it is important, what does advocacy mean for teens and parents, and the steps to practice. Final homework: Journal what they learned regarding previous and changed communication styles. How they are going to apply effective communication. What advocacy means. What has the teen taught the parent and what has the parent taught the teen regarding communication and advocacy. Describe and explain what effective communication and listening really means to them.
Week 8 Final session: Communication, listening, and advocacy. Parents and teens will share what they will do differently to improve communication to decrease delinquency. Final thoughts shared with group is parents are a significant support to teens and can teach self advocacy, help teens to understand strengths weaknesses, communicate appropriately, build self confidence, promote responsibility, independence, and empowerment.
The group will meet at a community recreation center every Monday from 6pm-8pm. The group name is called "Relationship Therapy." A flyer will be placed in the community recreation center as advertisement, contact phone number is provided for families interested to reserve a spot in therapy. Flyer attached for reference. Critique and Summary