In his memo Corporal Aguiar stated that he believed Officer Ruth Flores had been discourteous, disrespectful or discriminatory to a member of this department during an incident on 3-29-16. Both, Corporal Aguiar and Officer Flores have their interpretations of the communications that take place between them at 1393 S. Palomares. The lack of any clear overt act on behalf of Officer Flores directed towards Corporal Aguiar during this call for service did not take place. Once Corporal Aguiar ordered Officer Flores to do something she complied. The lack of an audio recording of the event to determine tone or other indicators to gauge discourtesy, disrespectfulness or discriminatory treatment make this investigation rely two different accounts of the…
A Research Paper Submitted to the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety School of Police Staff & Command Class #175 Naperville, Illinois December 9, 2002…
This open discussion apparently turned into an eye opener to the Knapp Commission in their investigation procedures. For this reason, it additionally permits the Knapp Commission to work diligently in their examination and causes the judicial framework to update, and execute new strategies and techniques to curtail defilement inside law enforcement officers. This was a guarantee that the issue was not overlooked. The recommendation for an internal department to hire the qualified officer, upgrading police training, strengthen supervisors in authorizing some structure inside their…
The province recently announced its plans to replace the Public Works Protection Act with the new legislation that would standardize security at Ontario facilities, this including courthouses. This article addresses the fact that Ontario does indeed need more Probation Officer's, however the money to hire more is being put towards a the new legislation.…
The most common form of criminal sentencing in the United States these days is probation. Conditions of probation and parole are primary factors that have an effect on a probationers post lock-up life. When determining conditions of probation and parole, the offender’s background plays a very vital role in the determination. A probation or parole officer has four functions that helps them figure out if probation and/or parole will be effective for each offender. “Supervision of sentenced probationers or released parolees is the most active stage of the probation/parole process” (Schmalleger, 2014). Applying these four functions to the situation of the Coatesville Fire Department in Coatesville, PA is no different.…
Perhaps on a cursory examination by either a trained professional or a serious criminal justice student, the Georgia Department of Public Safety organization hierarchy can provide a pedantic explanation about the significant recruiting and retention problem areas. The State of Georgia comingles resources and over relies on the Merit System for recruiting and hiring state employees. Every State Department has a Commissioner. For example the Department of Public Safety in the State of Georgia Commissioner is Colonel MarkW. McDonough. Commissoner Col. Mark W. McDonough is a political appointment as is Georgia State Patrol’s Division Head’s and Deputy Division Commissioner. Other examples include…
The Uniformed public services includes Police, Fire & Rescue Services, Paramedics and Royal Armed Forces, they are regularly called upon to operate in extremely hazardous conditions. The effectiveness of any public service is directly related to, and affected by, the efficiency of the people who work in that service. Discipline plays a major role in the uniformed public services and the degree of self-discipline exhibited by public servants will affect their own efficiency and that of their service.…
The purpose of this assignment is to look in further to the rules and regulations, or rather; laws that police officials must abide by when executing their duties. These rules and regulations include search and arrest warrant in addition to protocol that the Courts oversee for public search and arrest. There are certain requirements that must be met by an officer in order to obtain a warrant. Such must be done in a manner in which is appropriate and consistent with the law as…
applicant for probation officer at the G-5 level on the federal government pay scale. The ability to…
2. What are the differences between the organizations in the police component as compared to the other two?…
1)What role does NFPA standards play in the defense and prosecution of fire officers in criminal matters or in the judgment of civil cases?…
By defining the roles of probation and parole officers in corrections is? The probation officers in their role of duty is to investigate offender’s history, background checks and present the report to the court system. A parole officer’s duties include assuring the offends is registered with the local police department. The parole officers can undergo on suspicion of being under the influence to give a random drug test. The parole officers supervise to assure they are complying with conditions that where a misdemeanor and felony convictions to assure them in order to give to the parole board. Probation officer may require the offender to wear an electrical device to monitor activities. If an…
Whether a negotiation involves working together toward a goal or working against one another to win, each party must use a strategy to reach a solution. The differences of distributive bargaining and integrative bargaining are parallel. The ways in which one method is competitive and the other is cooperative is described and related to a well-known case involving basketball player Juwan Howard.…
There are numerous theoretical approaches which attempt to define the term “collective bargaining”. The contributions are mainly pluralist in nature and propose the idea that collective bargaining is a necessary and desired activity for resolving conflict arising from the inequality in bargaining power between the ‘strong’ employer and the ‘weak’ employee [1, 2]. Trade unions are able to overcome this predicament by functioning as a third-party intervention, thus allowing the employees’ views to be lawfully voiced by negotiating with management. The primary approaches of collective bargaining are proposed by Beatrice and Sidney Webb (1902), Flanders (1968) and Chamberlain & Kuhn (1965) [1].…
The term “Collective Bargaining” originated in the writings of Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the famed historian of the British labour movement, towards the end of the 19th century. Collective bargaining is a process of joint decision-making and basically represents a democratic way of life in industry. It establishes a culture of bipartism and joint consultation in industry and a flexible method of adjustment to economic and technical changes in an industry. It helps in establishing industrial peace without disrupting either the existing arrangements or the production activities.…