However, how could he observe so much knowledge of culture from other countries in his plays if he had never been there? Other authors, such as Edward de Vere, are said to be the true writers of some of Shakespeare’s pieces (Malfolio). This makes sense because de Vere had traveled the world quite a bit during his lifetime; traveling to Europe, France, Germany, and Italy (Malfolio). This shows evidence of worldly knowledge that de Vere could have contributed into his writing if he was the original author. When comparing unique word usage and length between Edward de Vere and William Shakespeare the results are shockingly close. Furthermore, “We got that de Vere had a ratio of 0.31 and Shakespeare had a ratio of 0.30” (Malfolio). These results show that the works of Shakespeare and de Vere are alarmingly similar in style and word choice. Again, supporting the theory that authors, such as de Vere, could uphold the authorship of some of Shakespeare’s known …show more content…
However, based on present research, Edward de Vere seems to be one of the best candidates for what could be the true author. This is due to the similarity between the places de Vere has traveled and the cultural information shown throughout Shakespeare’s work, because of the higher education de Vere received, and from the similarity in word length/choice between de Vere’s other works and Shakespeare’s works. Not to mention the questions regarding the qualifications Shakespeare lacked in order to be solidly proved for true authorship. History is continuously changing as the world discovers new information, so a verifiable author may never be found. Considering this, there is always a reason to