In the context of the encouragement of crime, a part of social disorganization theory is strain theory. According to strain theory, people who live in …show more content…
areas of high social disorganization and are below the poverty line feel as if the only way to get by is through criminal activity. Due to all their experiences of failure, they begin to feel angry with themselves and their inability to fulfill their ambitions. In these cases, they often come to feel that the only way they can achieve economic advancement is through crime as well. Therefore, crime essentially becomes a way of life for these individuals.
There are several theories that propose specific mechanisms and explanations for social disorganization and crime.
In the 1920s, research on social disorganization was carried out by the Chicago school. Later that research led them to develop the ecological approach, which states that cities tend to be organized in concentric circles. That is also described as distinct ecological areas, these areas are comprised in a series of five concentric circles. Traditionally as you work your way in each area becomes more populated with higher rates of criminal activity following. Proper social organization comes about when the leadership of family, education, and government knows how to lead and is motivated to lead their organizations to perform constructive services. Social disorganization arises from incompetent or corrupt leadership of social institutions. Parents who do not know how to parent will raise children who will not follow the law and their surroundings will begin to decay, and the entire social infrastructure will suffer. The recent case of the bankruptcy of Detroit is an excellent example of the destruction caused by corrupt and incompetent political leadership. It appears, then, that social disorganization results from incompetent and corrupt social
Some sociological researchers have found evidence that contradicts social disorganization theory. Most people believe that areas with high rates of immigration would have higher rates of crime, but that is not always the case. The truth is areas that have higher rates of poverty and population turnover tend to have higher rates of criminal activity.
The disposition of an individual to a life of crime just comes down to all of the influences on the individual. Any individual may come from a home and family that is prosperous, emotionally close, religious, educated – or none of these. At the end of the day, it is the community and the people they surround themselves with that has the last say in his/her involvement in criminal activity.