
What Is The Case Of Brown V Board Of Education

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What Is The Case Of Brown V Board Of Education
The case of Brown v. Board of Education, gave a glimmer of hope to African Americans for a new reform of civil rights.

Oliver Brown, from Brown v. Board of Education, had his daughter face segregation from their local school. One father had a great shock when, “In 1950, Oliver Brown was told that his eight-year-old daughter could not attend the Topeka, Kansas, neighborhood elementary school four blocks from their home because Kansas law required African Americans to attend separate schools” (Brown v. Board of Education pg. 1-2). Segregation caused lots of discrimination, including separate schools for children with different skin color. Oliver Brown had one last hope for his daughter when, “...he and Linda walked to Sumner School. When they
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The Supreme Court announced that, “...Brown v. Board of Education (Brown ii), ...announced that school boards had the primary responsibility to implement desegregation and that they must do so ‘with all deliberate speed’”(“Brown v. Board of Education” pg. 1). After the court's decision, African Americans finally saw a brighter future. When the Court took Phillip Elman’s suggestion of declaring segregation unconstitutional and then delaying the process, they adopted gradualism (“Brown v. Board of Education” pg. 2). The Court tried to dim the light of hope for African Americans to one day be free from segregation and discrimination. The Court threw out several excuses to delay the process like, “...the Court offered a number of reasons why delay might be acceptable, beginning with the flexibility that equity displays in adjusting public and private needs” (“Brown v. Board of Education” pg. 2). The court tried to use several methods to slow the process of desegregation …show more content…
More excuses were made like, “...problems related to administration, arising from the physical condition of the school plant, the school transportation system, personnel, revision of school districts and attendance areas” (“Brown v. Board of Education” pg. 2). As always, problems came up to delay the process of desegregation. Black students went to school in 61 buildings, many of which did not have indoor plumbing or heating. Whites went to school in 12 buildings with better facilities. On average, teachers at black schools got paid one-third less than those at whites schools (“Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas” pg. 1). This shows how black and white facilities contrasted. Some schools showed extreme disrespect by, “Some offered free tuition for private schools that sprung up to accept whites who fled the potential of attending a school with an African American” (Brown v. Board of Education pg. 2). This shows that even there were many “problems” that needed to be fixed before desegregation, schools had enough money to fund whites tuitions that would have had to go to African Americans

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