Judy’s case is one of familiarity along with numerous cases that is being dealt with by women in todays society. During the interview it was filled with emotions of anger, …show more content…
The counselling session was filled with warmth, acceptance and understanding. A lot of things were going on in Judy’s head, she is now a single mother of three children, has no income, never worked outside the home, husband left her for a younger woman and doesn’t know how she is going to pay her rent. All of this weighed heavily on Judy’s shoulders and this was evident in the counselling session where she displayed sighs of anxiety.
Two types o theories were used to help Judy with her current dilemma “Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Strength Based Theory.
Cognitive behavioural therapy was used to disengage Judy from negative thoughts which has caused anxiety, depression and anger. Cognitive therapy has been proven to be effective in modifying thoughts and behaviours of persons with anxiety and depression.
The goals is to use cognitive change to reshape how she thinks that will lead to healthy functioning of her wellbeing. Cognitive behavioural therapy was used to evaluate Judy’s behaviour for frequency, duration and intensity, after this evaluation was done an attempt was made to decrease the frequency, duration and intensity of such …show more content…
Explore the positive outcomes of adversity.
Another approach that was used is the Strength Based Theory. This theory came in very useful in assisting Judy to pull out the strength that was in her to become an agent of change and growth.
It shifted the focus from her problems to focus on the strengths, capacities and resources that are recognizable. “Strengths are the resources that enable clients to overcome problems.” Judy was helped to recognized that her strength empowers her with the belief that she is capable of change.
Empowerment will enable Judy to take control of her life. This will impact her feelings, and behaviour. Through empowerment Judy will be able to have a high self esteem, confidence, aware of her rights and acts assertively.
With the accessibility to resources and knowledge, she will be able to make decisions using the skills and strategies given to her.
Self determination will help her to recognize her choices which will encourage her to make independent decisions.
During the session, the use of informal resources such as families, neighbourhoods and communities are sources of help and strength for Judy. She was pointed to agencies, services and self help groups that could be of support to