This color in the book is not a motif or theme of happiness but of decayness. The story Araby explains the yellow decaying teeth of Father Flynn, this once again taking us back to the idea of paralysis. In contrast the color yellow in Araby by Boyne simplifies how the main character likes the old yellowness of the book. This giving both stories a totally different idea and meaning. Joyce throughout his works of arts has somehow focused on the idea of death. Now the short story Araby was no exception. In Dubliners reader learns that death is a role written down. For example, Joyce work will somehow start and end with death or vice versa. One example the reader can coincide on is the death of the priest in Araby but, the reader can also say that Dubliners ended with dead; Michael Furey’s death in “The
This color in the book is not a motif or theme of happiness but of decayness. The story Araby explains the yellow decaying teeth of Father Flynn, this once again taking us back to the idea of paralysis. In contrast the color yellow in Araby by Boyne simplifies how the main character likes the old yellowness of the book. This giving both stories a totally different idea and meaning. Joyce throughout his works of arts has somehow focused on the idea of death. Now the short story Araby was no exception. In Dubliners reader learns that death is a role written down. For example, Joyce work will somehow start and end with death or vice versa. One example the reader can coincide on is the death of the priest in Araby but, the reader can also say that Dubliners ended with dead; Michael Furey’s death in “The