Studies have shown that the only correlation between SAT scores and college grades is in the freshman year. …show more content…
Today, the nonprofit organization makes over $700 million a year issuing the SAT and selling SAT preparation books. A nonprofit company is a tax exempt organization which means they get all the money that they earn. So how does College Board make over $700 million in profit a year? In 2015, College Board administered 1.7 million tests at a $52.50 a test. Almost all major colleges require students to take one of the two standardized tests in order to be admitted into their college. Ted O’Neill, former Dean of Admissions at the University of Chicago claimed that colleges should get to choose whether or not they want to use standardized tests in their admissions process. Having served on many College Board Committees, O’Neill has worked on both sides of the spectrum: College Board and college admissions. He also said that during his time with College Board, he saw that they were more interested in making money than helping students get equal educational …show more content…
Transcripts show a student’s grades, class selections, and personal interest. Classes such as Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate show a student’s ability to strive in college level classes. Colleges can tell more about a student from their grades throughout four years than they can through a three-hour long test. In many cases, a student’s GPA is higher than their SAT or ACT scores. But what does this mean? According to senior director of College Coach, Elizabeth Heaton, when students with higher test scores and lower GPAs, this could mean the student has “the aptitude and capability” for college classes but that students who have a higher GPA than standardized test score usually do better in college. Although there are many arguments as to why GPAs are more accurate than standardized test scores, there are arguments as to why standardized tests show more of a student’s ability to excel in college. For example, college semester exams are a large part of a student’s grade and can be a huge factor in their end of year grades. Standardized tests cause students a lot of tests, just like college exams. Students can learn to deal with the stress of these tests and how to study for them. Although this would make sense if the SAT and ACT were the only tests that a student took but they are not. Students have end of year exams in high school that are about