
What Is The Cost Of Charlie's Experiment

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What Is The Cost Of Charlie's Experiment
Thesis: There are more costs as a result of Charlie's experiment
It is clear that there are more cost that weighs out the benefits of Charlie’s experiment.
To start with, everyone needs to have a friend to make life more enjoyful and to share their important parts of their lives. But, after the surgery people would look at Charlie as if he wasn’t human at all. He had no one to share his experience being smart. In the story it said,“All the rest demanded that I be fired. Joe Carp and Frank Reilly wouldn’t talk to me about. No one else would either, except Fanny.” (Keyes,234).Without any of his friends being around him, Charlie felt very lonely and depressed. People would avoid and look at him differently. It just goes for show that people fear the unknown. He thought everything would be better since he would be smarter. This costed him his friendship with everyone.
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In the story it said, “Algernon died two days ago. Dissection shows my predictions were right. His brain had decreased in weight, and there was a general smoothing out cerebral convolutions as well as a deepening and broadening of brain fissures. I guess the same thing is or will soon be happening to me.” (Keyes, 239). Charlie practically didn’t know anything about the experiment. He was still mentally challenged at that time and maybe that judged his judgement. Something could have gone horribly wrong and would mess up Charlie. If Charlie wanted to be smart then he should work and earn being smart. This could cost Charlie’s

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