The Spartan men mainly consisted of warriors with their sole job to protect the Spartan state. The men were trained from an early age to be warriors, the job of a Spartan woman was to produce more Spartan warriors. Unlike other women of that era, Spartan women were equally fierce as the men. In the Spartan political system, the men ruled and made decisions for the community. At the age of 20, all Spartan men were eligible to join an exclusive dining group called a Syssitia, a military barracks and dining system. The Syssitia helped define the social and political order, with some groups more …show more content…
But unlike the Spartans, the male children would be educated by mother or a slave when he is young, and would later attend school where he would learn more advanced material. All adult male citizens of 20 years or older could attend the Athenian Popular Assembly and could vote as long as they showed up. As for public officers, a citizen with a certain level of wealth and is at least 30 years old could service for the community.
Between the two systems of government, you can see some areas that are similar. The biggest was that both the Spartans and the Athenians did not have a single individual as ruler. The Spartans having two kings that came from separate royal families, and the Athenians had their democracy that used groups of individuals for their government. Another similarity was that both would only allow for males born to the native mother be a citizen. Slaves, foreigners, and women would not be allowed to be a citizen and partake in decisions of the