with mixed emotions can cause one to crawl in a shell but having the chance for one to lead one through the way will help one shine.
When others wonder about an individual, it only makes that one person wonder more about themselves. Every morning Wiesel would pray. One morning his father observed him and noticed he would cry when he prayed. “’Why do you cry when you pray?’ he asked as though he knew me well. ‘I don’t know,’ I answered troubled. I had never asked myself that question. I cried because. . . . because something inside me felt the need to cry.’” (Wiesel 4) Wiesel was not able to answer this question because he did not know the answer himself. He does not understand why he cries, this shows that he does not understand who he truly is. Being able to answer why one’s emotional at that point in time is like understanding who they are at that very moment.
Ever wonder why one does something, why there is no hesitation to why they do it? Wiesel’s father had asked him why he cried when he prayed; he was not able to answer that for himself. Then his father asked something that proves he does not know who he is or why he does what he does. “’Why do you pray?” he asked after a moment. Why do I pray? Strange question. Why do I live? Why did I breathe? ‘I don’t know.’ I told him, even more troubled and ill ‘I don’t know.’” (Wiesel 4) Wiesel is not sure why he prays, it is something that he does that comforts him or it is his only way to talk about his problems. What one does shows who one is; when Wiesel prays it shows he believes there is a higher power and someone is always looking over him. People say that praying shows that one is a strong weak person. For him to pray it shows that he may be weak at the moment but he is strong for praying for help, guidance or even protection.
Wiesel and his father stayed by each other sides and never once left, Wiesel’s father helped Wiesel, in a way many would not consider as helping, by passing away. His father was very sick and he needed to let go of his son, he could not force himself to stay alive and keep pulling Wiesel back. He wanted him to be free and get out of the torture that they were absorbing. “I did not weep, it pained me that I could have searched the recesses of my feeble conscience, I might have found something like: Free at last! . . .” (Wiesel 112) Wiesel’s father passing made him think about things he can do without him. It will make it easier to work and to even become invisible. Being invisible will make it easier to survive and to make it to the end. At first Weasel felt selfish because he was kind of the relieved that weight on his shoulder was lifted because of his father passing. When he was in his cot thinking about the death of his father he could not cry or shed a tear. He was not only emotionally exhausted but physically too; being able to not shed a tear in his position not only shows the tiredness of his body but that fact that he is immune to the pain. When losing a certain individual that affected one’s life, it takes a toll on that individual but it also shows who they are and how much they can handle it.
When thinking alone about one’s personal life, having another’s opinion will make the overall big question, who the individual really is, is easier to answer. Robinson wanted more than anything to make a new friend, a companion. When Robinson met a little girl at school he thought they had things in common so he was determined to make her his companion. When he would try to play with her, he would constantly try to make her change her way of playing; he wanted to play the way he wanted. “Well, Robinson, you’re still that way now.” He’s right. I am. The only real different is that I have learned what people expect in common social situations. So I act more normal and there’s less chance I’ll offend anyone.” (Robison 10-11) With what Robinson has, he has never been good at making friends. Yet when alone with adults, he can have a perfectly normal conversation. Why is this? It is because with adults, they just accepted what he said, even if it was not the proper response they were expecting. With kids on the other hand, if Robinson did not say what they wanted to hear (which was all the time) they would ignore him, and make fun of him. Choosing the type of friends is what reflects off of one’s life choices or even over all who they are.
Robison would always be put down by his father, never once would he be nice to him.
His father would predict his future just from how he seen him. Robison having Asperger’s made him appear to not be smart or understand common sense. His father would not take the time to get to know him on a deeper level so he did not understand he was truly smart. “’I was used to having my father predicting that I will end up pumping gas. That night, though, he said, ‘son, I am really proud of what you’ve done.’ But then we went home, where he returned to his bottle of sherry, alone in the kitchen. And by nine o’clock, his proud feelings were long gone.’” (Robison 54) When his father would drink it made him a different guy. When he would drink he lost every little respect from Robison because of the physical, mental, and emotional abuse his father put on him. He would never praise his own child but only put him down. By not having a father figure to grow up with and look up to it made Robison independent. It also helped him to be a better father than his …show more content…
own. People may make others feel different from the rest but in all reality are humans all made the same just viewed different? For a long time Robinson wanted to leave his parents’ home. One night they wanted him to go to one of their friend’s party; he accepted the invite and went. When Robinson was talking to the other adults they made him feel as if he didn’t belong. “Some of their friends were okay, but others seemed to me arrogant and conceited, and it was starting to make me angry. I knew I was some kind of misfit, but it was becoming apparent that some of the grown-ups who smiled sweetly and told me how terrible and screwed-up I was were complete screwups themselves. And my experience in the music scene had shown me that there were places in the world where misfits were welcomed.” (Robison 96) This made Robinson realize that there is no perfect person, that everybody was different some was just more normal in some sense. He figured out that with his experience of being “different” that the ones that pointed out his difference were the ones with more flaws. Robinson accepted himself after realizing that he isn’t the only one that neither was “strange” nor was he the only one that still needed help to point him in the direction of accepting and figuring out himself. “We never get to the bottom of ourselves on our own.” (Kennedy 523) This quote speaks to one in many ways.
For Wiesel and Robison they connect to this quote in multiple ways. Wiesel has a father who is concerned for him he wants the best for him but with him living makes it hard on Wiesel to do so. The questions that was asked by his father proved that he wasn’t exactly sure himself why he did what he did. He was puzzled. But in the end the praying and crying showed he was a strong boy that can push aside events or thoughts to continue his “journey”. In the beginning Robison was a little boy who at first did not understand who he was and why he acted the way he did. As he was growing up his mind was expanding and letting all the possibilities of why he was different from all the other kids expand. Robison had Asperger’s, for a young child with Asperger’s for example Robison he did not understand why he was such an alien towards others even though they were all the same. Being treated the way he did made it easier for him to understand when he was growing up. Being rejected by Chuckie and the other kids made it rough on him but it made him a stronger and more determined kid. When His father would beat him it, it made him more caring. When he had his child he did not want to be like his dad and abuse him. Being abuse helped him be a more respectful and a responsible parent. It made him realize that beating a child will not set them straight but only emotionally and
physically hurt them.