He does not agree with the idea that people only have two masters to obey. It was something immoral and unrealistic to him. Kant says that basically, you are a slave to your own needs. slaves are not free. Kant believes that the most important thing for people is freedom. Having the ability to make your own choices for your self. He does not agree with Bentham. Therefore, Bentham's argument is invalid because then you will have no free will anymore. Kant does not accept the fact that we do not have a free will. He wants for people to have the ability to know what is right from wrong and even if people are good or bad. Us the people we would have a chance to make our own choices and get along way better and human behavior well have positive results instead of negative. Kant thinks that having utilitarian well leave out the rights of being vulnerable and sacrifice one for a whole. Is better to act accordingly to pleasure and …show more content…
He says the value of other qualities can be sacrificed or diminished under certain circumstances. As it's been stated, "We will be the opportunity institution for our community's success". Kant's essence is for in a moral life people acknowledge the fact there are goals in our selves. In that moral life, he wants us to have freedom and make choices because is our duty to act upon the choices we make. We make our own laws and respect them. Also, people make their own rules by telling themselves how to act. For instances, if I say, is okay to not succeed because I can find a job anywhere. Not everyone should agree with it. Making your own goals and rules to achieve them is the best thing to do. For example, I am trying to finish college in order for me to achieve my goals to have a better life and future. Thoa I shall not skip/miss class every day I attend class. When you take your goals serious you commit your self to those behaviors. It is a duty, but it is my own choice to focus in class and attend every day without missing or skipping class. Kant's weakness is the rules that are being conflicted and his view is not good enough for others. People need to interact with each other even though, there is going to be good and bad people out in the real