Week 4 Discussion questions
Week 4 DQ 1 The Week Four Tool wire Learnscape explores the effectiveness of using social media to bring attention to WhizBang Games. In general, do you think the benefits outweigh the problems of publicizing any business in this way? Why, or why not?
Week 4 DQ 2
· Social media appears to add different benefits and values. What benefits do social media offer for your personal use? What type of negative experiences, if any, have you had from social media? Compare your answers with those of your classmates. How do they differ?
Week 4 DQ 3
· Do you think virtual interactive communities are genuine communities? Why, or why not?
Week 4 DQ 4
· Given the trends …show more content…
in online gaming, what roles beyond entertainment do you see for gaming in the near future?
Week 4 DQ 5
Do you think the makers of violent and sexually themed games should be held responsible for the behavior of those who play them? Why, or why not? How much responsibility do parents have in allowing children exposure to these sources?
Week 4 DQ 1 The Week Four Toolwire Learnscape explores the effectiveness of using social media to bring attention to Whiz-bang Games. In general, do you think the benefits outweigh the problems of publicizing any business in this way? Why, or why not?
Yes I do think that the benefits outweigh the problems of publicizing any business this way because by using social media you get more exposure for marketing, advertising, sales, and product information.
Using social media for publicizing any business is a smart idea, in today's world everyone uses social media sites to interact, whether it is for personal use or for business purposes. Facebook can be to advertise, you can add visual product information, it allows for people to leave comments about the product, it can also provide a networking community for other social media sites. Extra exposure (especially positive ) is great for any business, most companies today have twitter and Facebook accounts, they provide product information, coupons, location information, contacts, and there is a way the people can give instant feedback. Social media advertising is the way of the future, I can't name any business that does not use social …show more content…
Week 4 DQ 2
• Social media appears to add different benefits and values. What benefits do social media offer for your personal use? What type of negative experiences, if any, have you had from social media? Compare your answers with those of your classmates. How do they differ?
Social media does add different benefits and values.
There are several benefits that I have received from using social media for my own personal use. I use Facebook. Facebook has allowed me to remain in contact with my friends and family all over the world. I have made friends using social media that I most likely would never have met in person. Facebook has allowed my former high school classmates to find me and keep me informed on activities and functions like our class reunion. I have family in the military that is stationed overseas in Germany and Afghanistan. I am able to keep in contact with them and their families using social media. Never before had I imagined that such would be possible. Thinking about it now, I am still overwhelmed by it all. I have witnessed a couple of negative experiences. Several of my friends either clicked on a link or opened an attachment that was linked to a virus and it assumed control of their friend’s lists and sent other infected links out to random friends on their lists. If these friends clicked on the link or opened the attachment, they became infected with the same virus and it would send the links to various people on their friends list. When this has happened to the same person on numerous occasions, I had to remove that person as a friend because that person was a security risk to not only themselves but to me and others as
Week 4 DQ 3
· Do you think virtual interactive communities are genuine communities? Why, or why not?
I do believe that Virtual interactive communities can be genuine communities. People can work together to reach a common goal from all parts of the country or world. Businesses use them to build teams and even work on projects together. Sports teams use them to pass on information about games, practices, and fundraisers. They have proven to be very helpful to all kinds of people since the internet was first established. There are support groups for people suffering from diseases, political and environmental causes, and online schooling. So many different groups have been formed for so many different things that you could type almost anything into Google and find a group that either supports or opposes what you are searching for. These online communities are a great way to pass on important information to people that may not know where to find it. There is always someone out there that knows more than you and may have the exact answer you are looking for.
Week 4 DQ 4
• Given the trends in online gaming, what roles beyond entertainment do you see for gaming in the near future?
Online gaming has come very far since I was a child. The graphics have become amazing and so realistic. Online gaming has already been used for pilot simulations, by the military and even NASA. It can be used to simulate life as we know it, and can assist several different types of people. I even read somewhere that online gaming can be used to assist people with handicaps. I can see online gaming being used in ways to test employee’s skills depending on the type of job they do. It can be used to asses’ customer service skills, and a person's reaction to day to day situations. There are several games that are also educational and can teach kids math, history, spelling, and science. When I was a child, the games we had were purely for entertainment purposes and had very little education value. Now, people use them for exercise and education.
Week 4 DQ 5
Do you think the makers of violent and sexually themed games should be held responsible for the behavior of those who play them? Why, or why not? How much responsibility do parents have in allowing children exposure to these sources?
I do not think the makers should be held responsible for the behavior of the players. I think the players should be responsible enough to know that the game does not come into reality. Also the games have age ranges for a reason, they all go by maturity. I think the parents do have a major role on how the children react to the games. If it's a young child playing a violent game, the parent should continuously remind their children that it's just a game, and it don't happen like that in real life. If the child shows any reaction to the game such as maybe pointing play guns, I think that's when you should take the game for a while. It all depends on the maturity of the child, which is the parents responsibly to determine when they are ready for that, if they are ever! Other than that if it's an adult playing the game they should know right from wrong.