
What Is The Difference Between Spartan And Athenian Society

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What Is The Difference Between Spartan And Athenian Society
Sparta and Athens although contemporary city states during classical period, were a study in contrast when it came to the live styles of the people who inhabited those countries. Sparta was predominantly rural with small central villages, whereas Athens was considered the cultural center of the world (Brand, n.d., p. 2, 3). Additionally, in both countries how you lived was strongly impacted by your social class.

For Spartan men, life was about service to their country and becoming the strongest soldier they could.
Life was brutal and short for most, with a life expectancy of 35 years. Less than 1 percent made it to the retirement age of 60 (see Population factors below). As children 7 – 18 they subject to hash treatment to toughen
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Most manual labor was done by slaves, freeing up their masters to pursue higher callings such as art, philosophy, exercise and in particular politics. Athens was the cultural center of the world at that time, and even the lowest Thete might avail themselves of the plays, music, and pageantry which was an integral part of Athenian life.

Sparta like most classical Greek cultures was male dominated and sexist. Spartan women were considered inferior to their male counterparts. Sexual attraction although natural, was considered lesser when compared to male bonding. Although not full citizens, they played a central roll in Spartan society. Their primary job was to produce strong sons, and their secondary was to manage the estates from which their husbands drew their wealth. Although suppressed, they held more freedoms than contemporary Greek women, which was considered scandalous in other Greek city states (Brand, n.d., p. 7,13,14).

Athens was a male dominated society with Athenian women playing a humble and passive role. In poorer households they were often treated as little more than slaves (PBS, n.d. sect. Population of Athens - Women).
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They were peasant serfs, owned by the state who worked the land, and forced to endure cruel treatment to keep them in submission. Although allowed to live in family units, they were tied to the land and could not travel. They were subject to a 50% tithe, forced to endure yearly beatings(Brand, 2007, p 3). Using the Krypteia secret police and any who appeared too strong or successful, were subject to theft, assault or even murder without recourse (Brand, n.d., p. 13).

“They (the Spartans) assign to the Helots every shameful task leading to disgrace. For they ordained that each one of them must wear a dog skin cap and wrap himself in animal skins and receive a certain number of beatings every year regardless of any wrongdoing, so that they would never forget they were slaves. Moreover, if any exceeded the vigor proper to a slave’s condition, they made death the penalty” (Brand, 2007, p 4).

The vast majority of Athenian slaves lived far more reasonable lives than those of their Spartan counter parts. Although individually owned, they were considered a valued part of the economy, could attain respectable jobs, such as tradesmen, and were often considered family members by their owners (PBS, n.d. sect. Population of Athens -

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