The films true essence comes to light when the barber is given the opportunity to speak to the warring states.
This speech though, is more so focused towards the audience in the theatre over the one within the movie. The audience while opposed to Hitler and what he stands for still wish for a peaceful state hoping to prevent another world war. The United States stood on the edge of peace, ever so close to entering World War 2 Chaplin took this moment and utilized it fully. He does this through the use of the film “The Great Dictator”. His goal was to bemoan the world’s pessimism, greed, violence, and hate, all of which had poisoned humanities true nature as Chaplin saw it. Employing influence and passion, Chaplin is able to speak and reflect on the efforts of humanity to better or cripple every man’s life. This speech reaching millions across America, inspires and appeals to the people to fight for the quality life each and every man
In the speech Chaplin was able to perfectly mirror Hitler’s essence in terms of delivery, pattern and tone, all while maintaining his own humane personality. Speaking out of turn as the dictator normally would and speaking in a more open minded way, Chaplin instantly connects with the audience. Hitler had a very specific strategy to his speeches; he would begin calmly and quietly, and as the speech progressed he became increasingly impassioned. Although the content was often controversial and cruel, Hitler’s rhetorical ability was outstanding. Chaplin mimics this skill perfectly.
In place of the dictator, Chaplin stands in front of his audience with a shadow of doubt and uncertainty, he begins his speech speaking faintly and slowly. As the speech progresses, Chaplin becomes increasingly more passionate about what he speaks of. His volume increases, he starts to gesticulate with purpose, and all the content he is providing is becoming more and more relatable to the audience. Before they know it, the listeners are captivated by Chaplin, all due to the passion he brings forth with his delivery. Instantly, the audience is more accustomed to the speaker because of his energy and excitement. They are engrossed with the method of delivery, and in turn match the excitement for the subject being discussed. With this, the audience is able to truly understand and agree with Chaplin’s appeal to a better world.
Having captivated his audience with his delivery, Chaplin knows he has the perfect opportunity to foment his audience, the people watching the film in the theatre. Chaplin creates a very provocative emotional appeal. He claims that humanity has sacrificed the responsibility to provide a quality life to all people and replaced that responsibility with greed, hate, pessimism, and violence.