English 12 Blended
Period 7, Mrs. Erwin
Struggle Lane
Each person will struggle through different times in their life. For some very lucky people the struggle will last only a short while, but for others it may last for years. Siddhartha encounters various speed bumps on his road to spiritual enlightenment. Siddharta is very quick to attempt to choose one direct path towards his enlightenment. Siddhartha tried to reach his goal through the Brahmins, the Samanas, Gotama, and eventually the ferryman.
Siddhartha begins his journey to enlightenment following the path of Brahmins. He has followed his father's guidance through until he begins to suspect his father and other Brahmins have simply learned everything from holy books. Siddhartha however, does not believe they have really achieved enlightenment. The rituals and spiritual practices …show more content…
Siddhartha at a river, decides to sleep in a ferryman's home before crossing the next morning. Siddhartha had a strange dream about Govinda. He appears and asks why Siddhartha would not follow the Buddha with him. Then he becomes a woman. Siddhartha has high levels of desire for her. The next day, the ferryman takes Siddhartha across the river even though Siddhartha can not pay for it. The ferryman speaks, that Siddhartha will return later to repay him. Siddhartha has learned a lot just by listening to the sound of the river. After crossed the river Siddhartha's journey continues. Through the river Siddhartha found a new way of thinking about himself. "Both thought and the senses were fine things...it was worthwhile listening to them both...to listen intently to both voices" (39). This quote relates to the way Siddharta is more open to realizing there is more than just one defined path to his enlightenment. This realization of multiple paths will aid Siddhartha in achieving his