John C. Whitcomb was born the son of an Army officer in China, June 22,1924. His family eventually moved to US where he attended Princeton University. He studied geology and paleontology when WWII broke out and he was drafted to the Army, where he was deployed to Europe. When he returned to school he converted to Evangelical Christian. During his studies he was inspired by Protestant Bernard Ramm’s book, “The Christian View of Science and Scripture” and a presentation by Morris …show more content…
They saw science and the scientific method as limited to what experiments can be performed in the present. Scientist can not experiment on things from the past, i.e recreate the “worldwide flood” so the Bible was the source for historical knowledge on geology, geophysics and evolution. (2) “The Bible is the infallible Word of God, verbally inspired.” (Morris and Whitcomb 1961) Just like the quote says if it does not agree with the bible, for example Darwin’s evolution it is not accurate, and (3) the bible “can give a true framework of historical and scientific” interpretation.(Morris and Whitcomb 1961) As mentioned before, science is limited and scientist are bias to creationism because they think with a evolutionist mindset. The Bible provides all the answers and guidance that scientist can