I tend to as a whole see serious problems with mass media, how more and more the "truth" is brought to us by fewer and fewer companies. How more and more our choices are being made for us, our options distilled to us. Over 20 people ran for mayor in the last Baltimore City Election only three got any airtime, only three were distilled to the people as true contenders. An election before the election, where the media decides for you the eligibility of candidates. Needless to say the candidates without airtime were disadvantaged, they became non-entities, and whether their message was good or bad we'll never know. We'll never know. Democracy is not supposed to work like that. …show more content…
I believe public access channels is a right, and it should be implemented better than it is, true across the board visibility alongside the commercial channels, we should have public access over the air, via cable, via satellite, digital spectrums should have been given to the public, rather than given away to corporations. I think when our age is weighed and the times are judged, we'll see that the loss of those digital channels will be the true crime of our age, the gross and blatant robbery of the American people, and our representatives, those who were supposed to defend our rights, and our liberties, rolled over like dogs for a