No one was in love, no one had a good time, it was awkward, and everyone couldn’t wait for it to be over. The wife would lay at the head of the bed while the handmaid would crawl and lay her head on the pelvis of the wife while the commander would have his way. Instead of being heroes and saviors the woman are seen as disgraceful, shameful, and dishonorable for their position. They are put and dressed in a red uniform because it is a ‘sign of their sinful condition’. A sin that is not something they do purposely but a sin that is forced upon them. The author of The Handmaid's Tale is showing how in the past, now, and even then, in the future rape is still seen as something that the woman brings upon …show more content…
The “consensual” rape was ended. Things like suicidal thoughts were brought to mind by the things these women had to live with. Being taught that their feminine parts were the only thing useful of them because that is all men can get from them. Whether it was pleasure or a child, they tried to use their status as a way with getting away with sexually mistreating woman and not having any remorse for it. Rape is sexual activity carried either forcibly and or without consent. In The Handmaid's Tale the woman were put into that situation, they didn’t give consent they were put there and told not to speak out about