During this time strikes were incredibly common against factories and so on having to do with money or better conditions or something along those lines. Nothing was different here for this strike, they wanted better hours, “eight hours for work, eight hours for sleep, eight hours for what we will.” so they striked against their employers just as many other people around america were. A vast majority of the strikers and ,workers in general, were german immigrants. Before the riots there was a strike at the factory where unarmed strikers and police clashed and had several strikers killed.
The riots were to protest the killing of the several workers deaths at the previous day's strike. It started as a meeting of the strikers but the police showed up to break up the meeting. …show more content…
They would go to later on arrested George Engel, Adolph Fischer, Louis Lingg, Oscar Neebe, and Albert Parsons as well.Yellow journalism made them look very bad and helped the case that anarchists and communists were bad and to keep the public scared of such things. The jury for the men were mostly businessmen so it was a heavily biased trial . Even with no evidence that they were responsible for the bombing they were convicted and seen as guilty and sentenced to death. The day before he was was supposed to be hung Louis Lingg committed suicide and the day after parsons,spies, Engel, and Fischer were hung.The remaining few had their death sentences changed to life in prison. Questioning of their guilt got them out in