Since the times of the nursing founder Florence Nightingale and the Crimean War 1853-1856 (Creasia, 2011, p. 3) nursing practice and education is driven by money, innovation, and patient care and 150+ years later those same factors remain the same. The nursing community is being challenged with global medical issues while providing excellent opportunities at the same time. The vast advancements in technology has had a major impact on nursing practice and education. Computer technology and healthcare go hand in hand . Mobile phones are the most commonly used form of technology worldwide and have the potential to promote medication adherence (Park, 2014). The capabilities of computers and other electronic devices are unequitable. Technology affects every part of daily life on a global scale. Advances in information technology has provided affordable computers, cellular phones, and wireless technologies. Implementation of electronic charting will bring patients and physicians closer, making patient health information readily available across the internet, which will save time and improve …show more content…
patient care. Today’s nurses are required to be computer literate. Computer classes are now a basic requirement in all levels of education. Online classes and virtual learning are a commonplace and clinical simulators are readily available to nursing students. “An emerging computer technology strategy for nursing education is the use of virtual reality simulation. This computer-based three-dimensional educational tool simulates real-life patient experiences in a risk-free environment, allows for repeated practice sessions, requires clinical decision making, exposes students to diverse patient conditions, provides immediate feedback, and is portable (Jenson, 2012).”
Globalization is a direct result of the technology explosion, advances in modes of travel, and politics. Along with the fact information is easier to access so are infectious diseases. 1976 Ebola was first identified in 1976 by Professor Peter Piot (Piot, 2013). In the 1980’s Ebola was quarantined to the West African countries, but with the advances in international travel and imaginary borders Ebola has spread to Western Hemisphere in the recent months by healthcare workers. Globalization requires nursing education to focus on medical issues that affect patients worldwide not just locally. Nursing education has to broaden its studies into other cultures and beliefs because those things affect patient care as well. As a nurse in this millennium it is more likely that a nurse will care for an individual that speaks a different language, and believe in a different God than in prior years.
The population of people aged 65 and older is growing and the U.S.
Census Bureau estimates that 12.6% of the population is 65 and older, and this percentage is projected to increase to 20.3% by the year 2030 (Kinsella & Velkoff, 2001). As the population ages and diversifies, the enormity of diseases, health concerns, and socio-economic problems will also increase. Nursing practice and education, must also diversify and be able to respond the elderly and multi-cultured. The faces of nursing students are different. Nursing schools are seeing a vast array of various ethnicities and ages enrolling in nursing schools. This is a great representation of what society really is these days. Varying ages and cultures will enrich the learning process and prepare the nursing student what will the patient population will be
Creasia, J. L. (2011). Conceptual Foundations: The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice. St. Louis: Elsevier.
Park, L. G., Howie-Esquivel, J., & Dracup, K. (2014). A quantitative systematic review of the efficacy of mobile phone interventions to improve medication adherence. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 70(9), 1932-1953. doi:10.1111/jan.12400
Piot, P (2013) No time to lose: a life in pursuit of deadly viruses. WW Norton, New York
Jenson, C. (2012-06-01). Virtual reality simulation: using three-dimensional technology to teach nursing students... Computers, informatics, nursing, 30(6), 312-8; quiz 319-20.
Kinsella, K., & Velkoff, V.A. (2001). An aging world: 2001 (U.S. Census Bureau, Series
P95/01-1). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.