Since its establishment in 1916, Planned Parenthood has played a large role in preserving the reproductive health of women across the United States. A substantial range of services are provided for little to no cost, including cervical cancer screenings, sex education, testing for pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, and various forms of contraception. Nevertheless, the most controversial of their resources, abortions, has sparked anger among citizens and politicians in recent years. A portion of taxpayer money must go towards funding for Planned Parenthood because the reproductive and health services of women should be guaranteed. Women in poverty or low-income situations rely on the services of Planned Parenthood to maintain their health.
Planned Parenthood faced detestment since the beginning of the establishment, when it was named the Birth Control Federation of America. Margaret Sanger, the organization's founder, was jailed for 30 days after opening the first birth control clinic in …show more content…
Brooklyn, New York. She was said to have broken the “Comstock Law”, which strictly prohibited discussion of birth control or sex education of any sort. (needs work and citations)
The opposing side of the argument for taxpayer funding should take into consideration the statistics behind the organization. The funding cunts to Planned Parenthood in the past several years has seen a significant increase in the cost of contraceptives. An intrauterine device (IUD) may cost a clinic $250 or more, whereas a pack of birth controls would only require a fee of about $5. That being said, the United States has seen a sharp decrease in abortions in recent years, especially in states where proper contraceptives and education to low-income women, those who make up over 40% of the women who have visited the clinics. It is estimated that roughly 3% of all services performed by Planned Parenthood are abortions (White, Grossman). This rate could drop to an even smaller rate with significant income to help fund contraceptives.
The following picture depicts a pregnant woman among several protesters of both genders.
The sign being held reads “Her body, her rights”. The photograph indicates that women as a whole are entitled to do what they wish with their bodies, regardless of opinions or objections of any sort. Women’s reproductive rights are a necessity, especially for those who are pregnant or who are planning to conceive.
Alex Morris cites her own personal experience as a rationale to persuade the minds of those in favor of defunding Planned Parenthood. Having experienced an abortion as a result of pregnancy complications, she states that these cuts would have the greatest impact on women with low income and the inability to travel who have children of their own (Morris). It is morally unjust to deny healthcare to underprivileged citizens, and reducing funding towards it will evidently cause more harm than
Contrary to the opinions and beliefs previously expressed, some stick true to the idea that access to abortions should be limited, if not completely restricted altogether. The termination of a fetus is seen as unjust and inhumane in several cultures and religions, prompting some to take action to eliminate the opportunity for abortions. While the opinions and morals of others should be rightfully respected, it is unlawful to strip a large portion of the country’s population of their necessary rights.
Ultimately, the health and wellness of women should be preserved and protected by clinics capable of maintaining them with the proper finances to do so. The nation as a whole has overturned milestone upon milestone to achieve a respected level of freedom and rights for women of all backgrounds. Stripping Planned Parenthood of their funding and closing their clinics would be a step back in the long and treacherous expedition in equal rights.