A. A New Boss
Explain “the new boss”.
The New Boss was used to explain how a new authority can change how an individual's custom is: how they dress or how they behave.
Who was Shakespeare’s former boss? Shakespeare’s former boss was Queen Elizabeth.
Explain the influence of Puritans on Shakespeare’s plays.
The Puritans had an influence on Shakespeare’s plays because they were getting more powerful. Puritans believed that plays meant you were trying to be someone else which by their tradition was a sin. Shakespeare knew that their custom was different from the one he wrote his previous plays. Therefore Shakespeare wrote his plays to suit their customs. Why do Shakespeare’s plays sound like the King James …show more content…
Shakespeare’s plays sound like the King James Bible because when King James became the King, he had the bible translated to English so the people of England could read it and it became a common book which most travelers would always have.
Political Tension
In what year was Macbeth written? Shakespeare wrote Macbeth in 1606.
How did the tone of Shakespeare’s plays change when James I became king?
The tone of Shakespeare’s plays changed from optimistic, happy confident tones to dark, sad and cynical tones when James I became king in. In what year was the Gunpowder Plot? The Gunpowder Plot happened during the year 1605.
Explain the Chain of Being.
The Chain of Being is an idea that states all nature and human kind was assigned a destiny of where to be and what to do by God and if they did not it was an offence to God.
Explain the Divine Right of Kings.
The Divine Right Of Kings is an idea that all monarchs were assigned power by God and they were the only ones who could answer God.
When did the original Macbeth reign?
The original Macbeth reigned in 1040 until 1057
How and why did Shakespeare change the role of Banquo in the play from the “historical” Banquo?
Shakespeare changed the role of Banquo from the historical Banquo because he wanted to tribute to the Stuarts and King James. Shakespeare changed the role of Banquo to a wise man, a noble and regal figure.
What did James’ book Basilikon Doron say about the theme of
James’ book Basilikon Doron said that the them of kingship is an ideal king that does his role to God and an his country with a perfect integrity.
C. The Gunpowder Plot
What was the Gunpowder Plot?
The Gunpowder Plot was a plot to get King James off the throne. The plot was led by Robert Caskey. Robert Caskey and the Catholics rented a cellar and ordered 36 barrels of gunpowder to destroy King James, his wife and their two childrens.
What was the result?
The Gunpowder Plot resulted in a failure. Someone had sent an anonymous letter to a key person of King James and the plot was quickly stopped.