The story begins with the couple stuck in an African safari. At this African safari, Harry has cut his leg on a piece of nature that goes untreated and in return gives him gangrene. Yet, the couple was comfortable at the safari because they had their "servants" and plenty medical and survival materials at their camp. Even with all those necessary supplies, Harry's gangrene continued to spread on his leg and Helen became regretful and guilty (Harding 23). Helen states that she wish they did not come to Africa. She is inferring that Harry would have never gotten gangrene if they had gone on vacation somewhere else. She also mentions that they should have gone to Hungary or back to Paris instead of visiting Mount Kilimanjaro. (Hemingway 827). Helen's guilt leads her to think of alternatives vacation locations because she is sure that the only reason Harry is dying is because she took him on a vacation to Africa. She goes on to explain that she would have gone to any place he desired such as Hungary, for hunting, or Paris; since he enjoyed Paris so much the first time they went (Harding 25). Helen is feeling a tremendous amount of regret at the end of the story. The rescue team never arrived and the gangrene on Harry's leg kills him despite Helen and the servants' best efforts. Helen remorse is because her husband's death was due to something that happened on vacation and she wishes that they had gone to a more leisure destination for a vacation, such as Europe (Harding
The story begins with the couple stuck in an African safari. At this African safari, Harry has cut his leg on a piece of nature that goes untreated and in return gives him gangrene. Yet, the couple was comfortable at the safari because they had their "servants" and plenty medical and survival materials at their camp. Even with all those necessary supplies, Harry's gangrene continued to spread on his leg and Helen became regretful and guilty (Harding 23). Helen states that she wish they did not come to Africa. She is inferring that Harry would have never gotten gangrene if they had gone on vacation somewhere else. She also mentions that they should have gone to Hungary or back to Paris instead of visiting Mount Kilimanjaro. (Hemingway 827). Helen's guilt leads her to think of alternatives vacation locations because she is sure that the only reason Harry is dying is because she took him on a vacation to Africa. She goes on to explain that she would have gone to any place he desired such as Hungary, for hunting, or Paris; since he enjoyed Paris so much the first time they went (Harding 25). Helen is feeling a tremendous amount of regret at the end of the story. The rescue team never arrived and the gangrene on Harry's leg kills him despite Helen and the servants' best efforts. Helen remorse is because her husband's death was due to something that happened on vacation and she wishes that they had gone to a more leisure destination for a vacation, such as Europe (Harding