Tests showed Genie was mentally challenged when she was found. It is difficult to tell whether it was a cause of her isolation, or if she was born with it. Some evidence to support that her mental capabilities were due to her isolation were, year after year, following her rescue, she gained mental capacity. Genie’s language developed in many ways. Through repetition, Genie was able to widely expand her vocabulary and understanding of words. For example, when the teacher would show her the word jump, she would say jump, and start jumping up and down. I am sure this is not a word she had pervious to her rescue yet she could fully comprehend the word and its meaning. Genie was also able to pick up some sign language, which was very impressive. She was also able to use words to talk about her life before her rescue and put together sentences with meanings. For example, when asked where she sat, ate, and lived she said “potty chair”. Another example is she would say, “apple bought store” instead of “bought an apple at the store”. Though she was very competent in putting together sentences that got her message across, it was a challenge to use correct grammar and syntax. Also, if after many tries, she could not say a word she would just make up her own word for that object or action. Also, she regressed after a major abuse from a foster parent, did not want to open her mouth anymore after being harshly punished for throwing
Tests showed Genie was mentally challenged when she was found. It is difficult to tell whether it was a cause of her isolation, or if she was born with it. Some evidence to support that her mental capabilities were due to her isolation were, year after year, following her rescue, she gained mental capacity. Genie’s language developed in many ways. Through repetition, Genie was able to widely expand her vocabulary and understanding of words. For example, when the teacher would show her the word jump, she would say jump, and start jumping up and down. I am sure this is not a word she had pervious to her rescue yet she could fully comprehend the word and its meaning. Genie was also able to pick up some sign language, which was very impressive. She was also able to use words to talk about her life before her rescue and put together sentences with meanings. For example, when asked where she sat, ate, and lived she said “potty chair”. Another example is she would say, “apple bought store” instead of “bought an apple at the store”. Though she was very competent in putting together sentences that got her message across, it was a challenge to use correct grammar and syntax. Also, if after many tries, she could not say a word she would just make up her own word for that object or action. Also, she regressed after a major abuse from a foster parent, did not want to open her mouth anymore after being harshly punished for throwing