because all the characters experience at least one sort of hardship in the book at some time.
The first character I really liked in the book was Tom Robison, he is the black man that is accused of rape by the Ewells in the book. During his arraignment, he, being a black man in a white society didn’t have much of a chance for pleading not guilty. Even the court said: “The jury couldn’t possibly be expected to take tom Robinson’s word angst the Ewells,” which was true. Luckily for him he had the aid of Atticus finch, a well-respected lawyer in the town. Sadly though, Tom Robinson ended up losing the arrangement due to his color, which makes you feel empathy for him because he can’t defend himself in the overpowering society he is in, and has almost no choice.
When Tom Robinson goes to court to decide whether he is guilty or not he is up angst Mayella, which is Bob Ewells daughter.
She accused tom of raping her but tom Pled not guilty to the crime. But Mayella also has a secret that she can’t divulge, that is that Tom Robinson didn’t actually rape here but she came close to raping him, but only managed to achieve minor assault. Mayella can’t tell everyone that he didn’t do it, because Bob Ewell hates colored people, or how he refers to them as “Niggers.” He wants to see tom Robinson dead, so he tells Mayella to go up angst Tom as hard as she can. Mayella can’t do anything about it which will make you feel bad for her. Tom ends up losing the court case despise Atticus’s best efforts, and goes to jail. Sadly when working out at the jail on a fence, the guards “thought” that he was trying to climb it to escape and shot him, 17 times. It’s really unfortunate because tom didn’t deserve this and the society back then did not take equality well.
After Tom dies, the book switches back to Boo Radley, (he was the main attraction in the beginning of the book). Boo is all locked up in his house away from society and the children of Atticus Finch, scout and Jim, are constantly looking for him. When they figure out that boo has experienced allot of pain in his life they can be seen crying in sorrow. They know that no human being should be treated so badly. You feel bad for boo when you see this, because he has to experience horrible things for
example like isolation.
This Book can help us see things in a different way, from other people’s perspective(s) and helps us to see what they might have to deal with if put into certain situations. This Book is a sure masterpiece and should be read by all high schools across the United States, (or watch the movie).