
What Is The Most Significant Events Of The Holocaust

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What Is The Most Significant Events Of The Holocaust
In World War II, the Holocaust is one of the most important and significant events that occurred. The Holocaust was a horrible period in the history of the war. Jews were murdered in acts of oppression. During the second world war, the Nazis led by Hitler were determine to murder the entire Jewish population. About six million Jews were killed and there was no real threat to put an end to this and stop the Nazis from killing those innocent people. These people were mistreated and taken from their homes and were then taken to the ghettos. The Jews were transported to concentration camps, then taken to gas chambers, they were also transferred to concentration camps. Railroad freight cars and passenger trains brought them. Men and women were separated immediately, also they were stripped of their clothing and valuables. They were either killed if the Germans believed they were too weak to work and the healthier looking ones were put to work. SS men would force the Jews to stand in a line naked for hours as they examined and decided who was still fit to work and who should be killed. …show more content…
For example, the Jews would form lines and the Germans would decide who would live and who would die. Usually only the tough ones would live and more on, the unhealthy ones were not this fortunate and were sent to shower While all the Jews were stuffed into these chambers expecting water to come from the pipes, gas would come out of the shower pipes and everyone in there died. When all the Jewish people, men woman and children, were murdered they would be moved to large ovens in which they would be burn and then discarded. Including to being murdered, Jews also starved to death because they were not fed enough or at all, just enough to keep them

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