Act 1 Scene 1 and 2
The quote “fair is foul” and “foul is fair” are paradoxical statements as they mean the same
Act II Scene I+II
3) Macbeth sees a dagger floating above him in the air and its tip aiming towards Duncan. Macbeth tries to grasp the dagger but fails. He thinks it is a real dagger, which is a false creation. This is to show that Macbeth is ready to kill Duncan, but is afraid of the consequences and the guilt which comes along with it as a result, “Is this a dagger before me, the handle toward my hand, come let me clutch thee. “Art thou vision or sensible” p51
Macbeth contradicts himself when he says that he did not think about the witches’ prophecies, only after Banquo had brought it up. Banquo is …show more content…
“Consider it not so deeply”. She also questions his manhood, and is shocked that he wanted to kill Duncan, without facing any consequences. “MY hands are of your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white” p59
2) Banquo is noble, honorable and loyal to Macbeth. However, Macbeth wants to kill him and his son Fleance in order to become king. This is because this it the prophecy of the Weird SIsters that Banquo’s sons would become king. “Given to the common enemy of men, to make them kings, the seeds of Banquo’s kings” “Rather than so, come for into the list and champion me in the utterance” p 85
3) These arguments Macbeth uses to convince the murders are such as when he says that Banquo did not help them when they needed it. “Are you so godspeed that pray for this good man, whose heavy hand hath bowed you to the grave and beggared yours forever” Macbeth also tries to sway them by complementing them “That assistance I make love” Finally Macbeth also says that he will reward them, if you kill Banquo “And if you will put that business in your bosoms, whose execution fates your enemy