Poe does uses a specific point of view to make his story different and suprising. Poe's stories always start and end with creepy diction. (Depending on how you read it ) In the beginning of the story Poe starts of by saying "the thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge" (Poe lines1-2). Here we figure out that our story will be told by this man who wants vengeance "Montresor". Montresor tells the story in first person (Participant narrator) and we right away can tell he is not a man to trust. For one he is the only one that tells the story and in the end we figure out it was written fifty years later. Also we do not know if his anger …show more content…
is influencing how his story is told because he mentions he wants vengeance but does not reveal much about why. (Unreliable narrator) Also we as the reader have to imagine why he wanted vengeance. Montresor could have just got mad for a simple reason but we do not know that instead we have to create a reason in our minds.
Poe chooses the most insane character to be the narrator of the story for the purpose to cause mystery and doubt. Also the story couldn't be told by Fortunato because he was murder by Montresor. Poe wanted to reveal the audience with the emotions' of Montresor when he says "It must be understood, that neither by word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good-will. I continued, as was my wont, to smile in his face..." (Poe lines 10-12). Here we see Montresor is an emotionally unstable and a distrusted person. The man feels excitement and seems to be proud by telling us that it is fifty year and no one has caught what he has done when he says "for the half of a century no mortal has disturbed them" (Poe lines 75-76). No, other stories we have read do not use the same point of view as Poe. I mean they could use first person narration but not for the same purpose as Poe does. Poe is known for his stories. Poe uses this specific point of view to tell his story and reveal how insane his character is. If it was told by someone else we would have not got the same insight and scary effect as we did. In A&P the author uses first person as well but Sammy is just telling us what he saw. (Sammy is opened and
reliable vs Montresor not reliable and mysterious)