The Japanese higher education system can be distinguished as an example of diversified mass higher education in a highly industrialized country. Higher education system consists of various categories and types of institutions that are different in their missions, functions, academic standards, prestige, status, and financing methods. After World War II, especially from the 1960s to the 1980s, the increase in higher education institutions was very striking. The number of students going on to universities or junior colleges also increased. In 1955, the percentage going on to higher education was a mere 10.1% of the age cohort (15.0% of boys, 5.0% of girls). By 1960, the figure had reached 10.3%, having hardly changed at all and showing that entry to higher education was still tinged with a select elitism. But by 1970, the figure had rapidly climbed to
23.6%. By 1980, the figure had risen still further, to reach 37.4%. In 2004 the figure eventually exceeded 50%. In the same way as in the United States, universal higher education was seen as having become a reality. Japanese higher education is in the mature stage. However, with the changing global environment such as an aging population and increasing international competitions, Japanese society faces significant new trends that will have a major impact on its higher education system and affect the mode of its operation. Some radical reforms such as the incorporation of national universities, initiating the certified evaluation system, expanding competitive resource allocation, and the promotion of internationalization are proceeding.
Development of Higher Education
The first attempt to establish a modern university based on the European model was made following a political revolution in 1868, known as the Meiji Restoration. In 1877, the government established the University of Tokyo by consolidating and restructuring several of the westernized institutions of
References: Akiyoshi Yonezawa (2006), “Japan” in Forest J.F. & Altbach P.G. (eds.) International Handbook of Higher Education PartⅡ Springer pp.829-837 Eades R. G. and Yumiko Hada (2005) The 'Big Bang ' in Japanese Higher Education: the 2004 Reforms and the Ddynamics of Change Trans Pacific Press Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) (2006), OECD Thematic Reviews of Tertiary Education: Country Background Report of Japan (available at MEXT (2009), Quality Assurance Framework in Higher Education in Japan (available at www. MEXT (2009), Outline of the Student Exchange System: Study in Japan and Abroad MEXT (2011), Higher Education in Japan (available at www. Kazuyuki Kitamura (1991), “Japan” in Altbach P Encyclopedia Garland Pub. pp.489-498 MEXT (2010), Statistical Abstract Newby H. et al. (2009), OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education: Japan OECD Tetsuya Kobayasi (1992) , “Japan” in Clark B