The Arizona or TESOL English learner standards use a guide for differentiating instruction for various levels of ELLs by the teachers making the lessons have a content objective meaning on what the teacher wants all their students to learn in the classrooms. Also, each lesson needs to have a language objective as well which means that are specifically for each individual ELL student and base it in their TESOL standards in the classroom. An example, is for the teacher to try to use both the content objective like making the ELL students write down important facts about learning the English language and the language objective that need to be used by the ELL students will correctly use words or verbs to describe their feelings on the reason why these facts are so important to them. When teachers are making their lessons whether it be for the ELL students on level one which are known as beginners or on level five which are known as advanced students in the English language skills it should always provide precise visual support and guided reading until students master the grade-level materials or instructions (Zehr, M. 2010). Teachers should do a little bit of research while preparing their lessons of the ELLs for the language levels that pertain to the content of the students language being taught, give the ELL students the opportunity to interact with the English speakers in the classroom, teachers should target corrections where the students have specific errors, and teachers should be using appropriate level language aspects of the ELL students when assigning assessments, classwork, tests, homework, etc. Teachers in the field of educating ELLs of different English proficiency levels because all students do not learn at the same pace or same time (Zehr, 2010). By the teachers having some type of assistance when planning the lessons or activities that will positively support appropriate content for the ELL…