and killed himinstantly. All the children participated in this, even Ralph and Piggy. Later Piggy’s glasses werestolen by Jack’s faction to be used as a lighter for fires, the first faction tries to reclaim themwhich causes a fight breaks out between Ralph and Jack. As Piggy tries to have an input, somethe other kids use a rock to kill Piggy and he falls along with the Conch that showed a sense ofgovernment. As Jack searches for Ralph through the island, Jack’s faction burns down all thegreen life of the island, Ralph runs to the shore to escape the flames, as Ralph is about to bemurdered a naval sailor arrives at the island to investigate the smoke that came from the originalfire. The sailor is in horror when he witnesses the children trying to kill each other, soon after allthe children break into tears, and are taken away from the island, now without their innocenceand with the idea of savagery.All through the novel the kids lose their purity slowly by small events and actions fromthe other kids. “”Like kids!” he said scornfully. “Acting like a crowd of kids!”” (Golding #38).They no longer saw themselves as children but as warriors and adults. Simon was one of the fewkids that still had their innocence, he had visions that helped him know more about the island, he
Ortega 3found out from The Lord of the Flies, that the Beasty is not an actual beast but the savagery thatcame from the children's minds.This novel was challenged due to the fact that it talks of barbaric and primitive actionsacted out by small children.
Some children committed murder among each other, out of fear andthe savagery in their minds. Golding depicted that under certain circumstances people will doanything out of desperation. The survivors of the crash were no longer kids but actual beasts inthe mind, he children were behaving and becoming animals. By the end when the factions hadseparated, the children had completely gotten rid of human nature and compassion. Even Jackdressed in war paint showing him physically as a monster. Killing for them meant nearlynothing, their usual routine was slaughtering of pigs. One of their traditions is to dance likeanimals when they have caught a pig, another tradition is to play a game where one of the kids isthe pig and they must catch the kid acting like a pig, this game didn't go without injuries towardsthe “pig”.The artist behind this oppressed and ridiculed novel, born September 19, 1911, WilliamGolding, is a noble prize winner and a hugely respected writer. After being rejected 21 times totry to publish his first novel, Lord of the Flies, he succeeded in 1954, later making his novelworldly known. Twenty years later, when he was 73, William Golding was awarded the hisnobel prize in 1982, and was also knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1988. William was also ateacher and joined the Royal Navy to fight in World War II. Many people think that a lot of hisinspiration for the novel came from all the years he spent teaching, and in the war.In the end, this novel portrays how even children can fall victim to actions of savagery.They louse who they originally were from normal scared kids, to murderous animals and
Ortega 4even beasts. Their innocence was taken from them, now their minds filled with the joy of killingfrom the many hunting sessions, is now returning to their home with them.
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