Professor Bryant
History 101
21 June 2014
Master Christopher Jones and several business partners purchased the ship Mayflower about 1607. Its origins prior to that remain uncertain. Its first documented voyage of record was to Trondheim, Norway, in 1609. Andrew Pawling hired the ship to take a cargo of London goods to Norway, sell them off, and buy Norway goods (lumber, tar, fish) to return back to England. Unfortunately on the return voyage, the Mayflower encountered a severe North Sea storm and the master and crew were forced to toss most of Pawling goods overboard to lighten the ship.
The Mayflower set sail from England in July 1620, but has to turn around twice
Because the ship it was sailing with (Speedwell) sprung several leaks, so they decided to leave it behind and finally set sail on September 6, 1620. …show more content…
The ocean was full of danger, ships was attack, and taken over by the pirates, many was damage or shipwrecked due to bad storms, leaving some passengers overboard and some drowned other got sick and die.
The Mayflower carried other settlers as well as the pilgrims. The Mayflower Compact was an attempt to establish a temporary legally binding form of self-government until such time as the company could get formal permission from the council of New England. This formal permission came in the form of the Pierce Patent of 1621. The Mayflower Compact was very important to the Pilgrims because it bound them together when they arrived in England, needing to maintain order and establish a Civil, Society while waiting for a new patient, the male passengers signed the Mayflower Compact, by doing so this agreement was the only instance in human history of positive original, social compact, It had influenced the Declaration of Independence and the U.S.
Work Cited:
The Complete Works of the Mayflower Pilgrims (Vancouver, 2003); The Mayflower and Her Passengers (Xlibris, 2005); William Bradford 's Of Plymouth Plantation (Xlibris, 2006), “Relation or Journal of the Beginning and Proceedings of the English Plantation Settled at Plymouth in New England, by Certain English Adventurers, Both Merchants and Others, 1622,” in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Second Series (Boston: W. L. Lewis, 1832), 62–63.