During its existence under the Republic, Rome was governed under a system of checks and balances, with an executive, legislative, and judicial branch. This system of checks and balances would set the precedent for many future nations, most notably the United States. The executive branch of the Republic was monarchical, similar to that of the president of the United States. The legislative branch consisted of three hundred members, also known as the centuriate assembly, who were responsible for constructing and voting on laws, similar to that of the U.S senate. …show more content…
The idea of a system of checks and balances was implemented in order to ensure that the citizens of Rome would be ruled as fairly as possible. During the time of the Roman Empire, however, faith and trust in the government vanished, with belief that it was corrupt. 476 A.D. is the date that most historians agree upon as the fall of Rome. However, this is not the case. In 476 A.D., the fundamental ideas of government in the Republic made a revival, and then spread throughout the world. Countries such as Egypt, Argentina and France were all founded on the basic principles that the Roman Republic was. Thus, since 476 AD, Rome has evolved to span across the Earth, never