However, Ambedkar represent one of the towering names who not only represented them as their leader but also gave them their significant position both politically and constitutionally. He joined Baroda State Service after returning from studies in US and UK as part of his scholarship agreement. He worked as Secretary in the Defence Office of Maharaja of Baroda State but he faced insults while at work due to his low caste origin. At times, even peons hurled files on him and water was not served during official functions. At officer club, he was made to sit in the corner and he found difficulties in getting rented accommodation. He was evacuated from a rented house and he had to spend day in public garden from where he left for Bombay. Such incidents guided andignited Ambedkar to work for protection of dalit rights and upliftment of dalits. In 1924, he started legal practice in Bombay and founded Bahishkrit Hitkarni Sabha (Depressed lass Institute) for dalit upliftment. He roused dalit consciousness to fight for the eradication of dalit discrimination; to claim equality of treatment, status and opportunity; to enjoy equally all rights and to respect dignity of the persons. He became a crusader for the rights of dalits in
However, Ambedkar represent one of the towering names who not only represented them as their leader but also gave them their significant position both politically and constitutionally. He joined Baroda State Service after returning from studies in US and UK as part of his scholarship agreement. He worked as Secretary in the Defence Office of Maharaja of Baroda State but he faced insults while at work due to his low caste origin. At times, even peons hurled files on him and water was not served during official functions. At officer club, he was made to sit in the corner and he found difficulties in getting rented accommodation. He was evacuated from a rented house and he had to spend day in public garden from where he left for Bombay. Such incidents guided andignited Ambedkar to work for protection of dalit rights and upliftment of dalits. In 1924, he started legal practice in Bombay and founded Bahishkrit Hitkarni Sabha (Depressed lass Institute) for dalit upliftment. He roused dalit consciousness to fight for the eradication of dalit discrimination; to claim equality of treatment, status and opportunity; to enjoy equally all rights and to respect dignity of the persons. He became a crusader for the rights of dalits in