
What Is The Round Character In Trifles By Susan Glaspell

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What Is The Round Character In Trifles By Susan Glaspell
In Susan Glaspell’s,“Trifles,” Mrs. Peters is the round character. While being a supportive sheriff’s wife, Mrs.Peters would follow all the guideline set in place for her. Such as what to say and what to do to be an honorable female in a society the is ruled by men. In the play the men would make careless remarks that were meant to dishonor the women. For example, when they show concert for Mrs. Wright’s preserves because they might have frozen, Mr. Hale relates women’s chores to “trifles”. While the play goes on it indicates that Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale, move closer together, which shows that in this moment is where they are the most sympathetic for Mrs. Wright and they try to protect her from the world that is filled with uncaring men. …show more content…
As these comments are made it makes Mrs. Peters uneasy, but what can she do? She is “just a woman,” that has to follow all the rules that are set in place by society and her husband. At first, Mrs. Peters is afraid to change what she is raised to believe the responsibilities and requirement of a woman are and also the law. But she is hesitant so she convinces herself that without a doubt Mrs. Wright was a fault. As Mrs. Peters and Mrs.Hale find the dead canary with a broken neck, they start the think Mrs.Wright could have killed her husband. Because he had killed one of the only beautiful things Mrs. Wright had in her life. As Mrs.Peters thinks she recalls that a boy came and took a hatchet to Mrs.Wright's kitten. Also, that if nobody was there to hold her back she would have“hurt” the boy. As the pieces of Mrs. Wright's life come together the women come to the conclusion that Mrs. Wright had a very lonely life. Because she has no children, no true friends and especially for being married to Mr.Wright. Again, Mrs. Peters is able to connect with Mrs. Wright thought her experience of losing her son when he was only two. Since she didn’t live parents or have someone to help her cope with the pain, her pain became dreadful. As it came time for them to leave and bring the provisions they collected for Mrs. Wright. The women stand in agreement to keep the dead canary a secret from the men because it could have

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