, Political & Economic
., Health
Psychological & Sociological
Abstract, Cellular Technology & History
Varpilah, Moral & Sociological
DeVry University
LAS432 Society, Ethics, and Technology
The following paper will discuss the psychological and sociological impact of cellular technology. Cellular technology has seen rapid growth in technology and in personal use. Texting has now become the dominant means of communication and actual conversation skills are diminishing. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted from cellular devices has become a concern and is being studied from many various angles to determine actual health risks from cell phone use. Whether it is for …show more content…
It took until 1928 for the development to become small enough to be used in autos. “(T)he first “land mobile” radio system was put into operation by the Detroit police” (Frenkiel, n.d.). This marks the birth of the mobile era. In 7 years “there were 194 municipal police systems and 58 state police radio stations serving more than 5000 radio-equipped police cars” (Calhoun, 1988, p. 25-26). The initial stages of mobile communication consisted of a tower that was on the top a building covering a 30 square mile area. The systems had approximately 40 channels and the FCC divided them between the local phone company and a Radio Common Carrier to foster competition. The maximum number of calls at any one time was about 40 …show more content…
The findings are as such, with a survey of college students and average people in the work place. The importance of a device and information is more valuable than money and more than half of all current college students, 56% would not accept a job or find a way to circumvent the policy of using social media. This to me is a step backwards with work and play, a clear line needs to be drawn in order to pursue a middle ground and why is a reliance on technology is such a factor for social media at the work place? How is it that we are bound to our phones? With the U.S consumers 5 % , represents the worlds wireless connections and the U.S. comprises 50% of the world’s 4g technology, this leaves us in first , Japan second and South Korea in Third. We (The U.S.) Consume five times as much data than our E.U counterparts and more that 89% of the U.S. has broadband technology compared to 62% of the E.U. counterparts.(Ctia.org) On average form 2001-2010 the typical bill was around $20 a month as of 2010 $63 a month, This was an estimated 15% increase a year. Within that time frame a reduction in landline price’s fell or to be more accurate the prices were inversely related. This would bring us into a more mobile future where the reliance on stationary equipment collapsed. With a rise in the personal budget most people to pay their bill would have to cut back dining and other luxury purchases so as to