Have you ever wondered what it's like being in space. You would probably have fun maybe you also want to land on the moon too. Well in 1958 the NASA (space program) was created. The U.S.A against the U.S.S.R (soviet union) for the space race or technical advance was created. This space race was created in the Cold War in about 1957 and the Cold War was started in 1947 and lasted o 1991. Who could get to the moon fastest? Who could build better materials than the other team? Who has more world power? So the U.S.S.R started to build the first satellite, Sputnik and the U.S.A. Built Explorer 1.
The time known as the space race had to do with technological advancement in history between the U.S.S.R and the U.S.A. The most important parts in the timeline for space exploration.
There were many spin off products that were made because of the space race. …show more content…
According to [history.com] in 1958 NASA was created and the U.S.A lanches explorer 1. In 1959 we launched Luna 3 that orbists the moon and takes 70% of the moon in pictures according to [thespacerace.com]. In 1960 The U.S.A launches Discoverer 14 and it's a spy satellite. In 1961 President John F. Kennedy challenges the nation to go to the Moon. In 1963 John F. Kennedy is assassinated. In 1966 Surveyor 1 lands on the Moon. 1969 apollo 11 Neil Armstrong walks on the moon. Not only did the U.S. Have great achievements buts is did the U.S.S.R have some too.
The U.S.S.R. had very big achievements in the space race. According to [spaceracehistory.tripod.com] the U.S.S.R was the fist to put a satellite in space named Sputnik. They also sent the first living creature into space, which was a dog named Laika. Also they put the first man into space. According to [thespacerace.com] they sent Zond 5 with 2 turtles around the moon for scientific research on how the body would handle. Lots of great things were made possible by the U.S.S.R in the space