
What Is The Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde

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What Is The Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde
1The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was written in the late 1800s by Robert Louis Stevenson. This story is considered to be Gothic fiction. It is known as supernatural terror breaking into everyday reality, darkness and eeriness. It can be unpleasant but also interesting, something that keeps you reading till the end.
2It is about a Doctor. This Doctor's name is Henry Jekyll. Dr. Jekyll strongly believes in the human nature of having two parts, or more, if possible. But these two parts were an "angelic" side and a "corrupt" side, good and evil. Dr. Jekyll wanted to prove this theory and explore its many "qualities". While it is intriguing, another character describes Dr. Jekyll's research as "unscientific balderdash." Something pointless
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Jekyll's researches delve deeper and deeper; he grew an unhealthy obsession with the light and the darkness. Soon he had discovered a way to concoct a potion, one that would separate the good and the bad, so he could test his theory. He then used himself as a test subject and drank this potion, and it worked. When he would drink this, Dr. Jekyll would disappear and Mr. Hyde would take his place. You see, Dr. Jekyll had always been a good man; he lived under the reputation that he was pleasant, gentle and kind-hearted. But he did have a dark side, one that he didn't realize to be so dark until becoming Mr. Hyde. Mr. Hyde was revolting. He was almost nonhuman and had such an ugly essence to him, that most people, who met him, hated him. Yet, because Dr. Jekyll was connected to Mr. Hyde, he left all his possessions to him on his …show more content…
Mr. Hyde was too dangerous to allow staying, yet something still attracted Dr. Jekyll to him. Whether it was the idea that he could be two different people or that his experiments had not all failed, Dr. Jekyll did not get rid of Mr. Hyde. Therefore, Mr. Hyde began to take over and Dr. Jekyll didn’t have to take his potion in order become Mr. Hyde. It was almost as if Mr. Hyde had been lying in wait. Waiting to seize the opportunity to roam free, and indulge in the releasing of his imprisonment. Yet, Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll could not share one body anymore, Mr. Hyde had grown too strong and Dr. Jekyll knew it. After Mr. Hyde realized this, and knew that he could not live on with all he had done in freedom, he killed himself, also resulting in the death of Dr.

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