Many of the soldiers were out there fighting with knowledge of a very small chance of survival due to the loyalty they feel for their country. Even when the unit of 8 men was sent to find Private Ryan, they knew it was unfair and risking all of their lives for one soldier, they did it because they were loyalty to the soldier in command above them. Even when they found Private Ryan, he didn’t want the free ticket out that they were offering him because he was loyal to his own unit who had already lost many men, so would’ve been putting them in more danger. After a while they all finally agreed to stay there and help them overcome the next big attack before taking Private Ryan back home. They knew this was putting all of their lives at major risk but they were all in it together as each soldier was as loyal to each other as the
Many of the soldiers were out there fighting with knowledge of a very small chance of survival due to the loyalty they feel for their country. Even when the unit of 8 men was sent to find Private Ryan, they knew it was unfair and risking all of their lives for one soldier, they did it because they were loyalty to the soldier in command above them. Even when they found Private Ryan, he didn’t want the free ticket out that they were offering him because he was loyal to his own unit who had already lost many men, so would’ve been putting them in more danger. After a while they all finally agreed to stay there and help them overcome the next big attack before taking Private Ryan back home. They knew this was putting all of their lives at major risk but they were all in it together as each soldier was as loyal to each other as the