Super’s theory postulates that our interests, values etc. are not necessarily fixed, it changes throughout our lifetime. Upon applying this theory on john, the change in his interests, values and beliefs could have contributed to him feeling unappreciated at work despite having worked as a teacher for 15 years. (Michael Schreiner, 2012) On the other hand, John L. Holland’s theory postulates that an individual should opt for a career that is best suited for him according to his personality. His theory suggests that people project self and world-of-work views onto their field of occupation and make career decisions that cater to their preferred personal orientations. He mentioned that personalities can be divided into six types and they are investigative, artistic, enterprising, conventional, social and realistic. Holland’s theory also emphasized that the personality and the environment has to fit for the best possible satisfaction at work and for individuals to be as productive as possible. It is possible that john’s personality in not in sync with the environment, thus, he is unhappy with his work …show more content…
MBTI assessment is a psychometric questionnaire which is designed to measure psychological preferences about how people view the world and the way they make decisions. The main objective of MBTI is to make the theory of psychological types that is described by C.G. JUNG in a comprehensive and productive way in people’s lives. The aspect of this theory is that as it seems random diversities in the behaviour in actuality, is rather organized and constant, as a result of fundamental differences in the methods individuals prefer to use in their way of viewing, in other words, perception and judging. Perception involves all the paths of becoming aware of people, things, incidents or ideas. Judgement involves all the ways of arriving to conclusions about what has been perceived. When different people have different perceptions of things and how they reach conclusion, it is only natural that they will have different types of interests, values, reactions, skills and motivations. I decided to use MBTI on john so as to understand his perception and judgemnet of things, for his case his work and family, and also to explain to him specificly what may be best for him keeping in mind that he has to be the one making the ultimate decions and I am here to guide him through. There are 16 personality types MBTI. The MBTI instrument measures personality