
What Is The Wannsee Conference?

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What Is The Wannsee Conference?
1. The Wannsee Conference: The Wannsee Conference was a meeting held in Berlin on January 20, 1942 where high- ranking Nazis officials and German leaders gathered together with the purpose of coordinating and implementing the “The Final Solution” where Nazis would try to exterminate the Jewish population of Europe. This meeting was convened by Reinhard Heydrich, who was SS (a parliamentary organization under the direction of Hitler) chief Heinrich Himmler's head deputy (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum).
2. Final Solution (to the Jewish question): The Final Solution (to the Jewish question) was a code name used by the Nazis to refer to the systematic extermination of all the Jewish population in Europe. This systematic extermination
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A good example was in the Olympics of 1936 where Nazis perfectly camouflaged their true intentions and were shown as a peaceful Germany, and they also talked in code (Ockerman 2016). Many people believed that Jews were taken to live in beautiful places, and example was the Theresienstadt Ghetto. Consequently, it wasn’t until the summer of 1944 that detail information about the death camps were revealed. However, many people simply didn’t believe that such things as the concentrations camps were possible, and underestimated Hitler’s true intentions. (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Furthermore, many countries had just been through World War 1 and they didn’t have the energy to engage into another major conflict since they were recovering from the great impact of the war (Maya Productions). What was even worse was the appeasement policy which made Britain and France see Hitler actions as understandable and satisfied his demands (BBC Bitecize). However, by the time countries such as US became aware of the scale of the Nazi campaign of exterminations they put much effort on overthrowing Hitler than rescuing people at concentration camps (Maya …show more content…
Furthermore, he wanted to restore German pride by gathering the pure race or also called the Aryan race (anyone European and not Jewish, Romany or Slavic) in one big territory (BBC News Round). Therefore, as he was expanding Germany, he was undermining other races, and he promoted racism and hate. Hence, people of the “superior race” were dominated by their pride and finally shared the idea of hate towards other races. There was such a hate and discrimination towards Jews because besides of being the “inferior race” Germans thought that they were the true cause of the WW1 (Jewish Virtual Library). So, people wanted to get rid of them. Therefore, the Final Solution was inevitable, and when it was proposed it was accepted since as they gained territory they had to deal with much more Jews. Nazis considered necessary to exterminate, punish Jews, and not let Europe be combed with Jews. Also, countries didn’t want Jews either since they didn’t allow Jews refuges to their countries, making Nazis job to exterminate Jews easier. (Remember

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