1.What are the primary colors?
It depends. In RGB, the three main colors are red, green and blue, which is also known as the addictive colors. RGB is the primary color for light. At the same time, there are also subtractive colors, which stands for matter. These three are Cyan, Yellow and Magenta.
2. What is an extra-spectral color?
For example, Magenta is a extra-spectral color. A extra-spectral color means that it cannot be generated by a single wavelength of light. Like Magenta is created by violet and red wave lengths.
It is the color that is invoked on a certain color plate.
3. Answer the following questions on total progression:
1) What is tonal progression and how can it be used to assess color and contrast? …show more content…
For example, if 100percent is black, then 70 percent will be a darker gray. And then 30 percent will be something like a light gray, 0 percent will be absolutely white. By comparing two colors might be hard. But with the help with tonal progression, you will be able to compare them by the percentage. Like comparing yellow and blue, they seem completely different . But if you put it in the tonal progression, you will be able to tell the differences by looking at the percentage.
2) Where would colors such as yellow and blue be place if we consider the colors tonality?
Yellow will be about 30 percent, Blue will be around 90 percent.
3) Is there a large difference in tonality between yellow and blue?
Yes, 60 percent is a large difference.
4) If we use yellow and blue together in a design will we have good contrast and