Charley is the only character that is consistent with his actions towards Willy. He is always upfront and honest with him, including when he tells him to “grow up”. Indeed, much of Willy’s refusal to “grow up” is because he really doesn’t now himself; “You’re just what I need Ben, because I-I have a fine position here, but I- well, Dad left when I was such a baby and I never had a chance to talk to him and I still feel-kind of temporary about myself (Miller, Portable).” He is not a self-assured person and that can be seen whenever he is in a discussion with Ben. It is clear that Ben is a strong …show more content…
She is the center of the family and she appears to be the most reasonable. Nevertheless she is a hopeless enabler of Willy and the rest of the family’s poor behavior. For starters, she knows from the beginning of the play that the senior Loman is attempting suicide, but never confronts him only makes excuses for him. She tells Biff she’s ashamed to mention the hose in the basement, stating that she “takes away that little rubber pipe” and puts it back on when he comes home (Miller Portable). Even though she has an innumerable amount of chances to change the situation she doesn’t. When Biff tells her that he can’t stand to see Willy anymore she says that he won’t be able to see her anymore either; “No you can’t just come to see me, because I love him. He’s the dearest man in the world to me and I won’t have anyone making him feel unwanted and low and blue… Either he’s your father and you pay him respect, or else you’re not to come here (Miller, Portable). She repeatedly chooses her husband over her sons even though Willy doesn’t always treat her with respect. Moreover, she has not only enabled Willy, but Biff as well. Willy wasn’t a great father and never taught his sons morals. Linda, singlehandedly, witnessed Willy condoning Biff to steal, and did nothing. She knew that Charley was right when he said, “Listen if they steal anymore from that building the watchmen’ll put the cops on them! (Miller, Portable).” In sum, Linda Loman is the facilitator to her family’s horrid life decisions and stands by idle watching them unravel before