Columbia Southern University
What is a hero? Some consider a hero to be a person of distinguished courage or a person that is admired for their noble qualities and good deeds. To me a hero is not someone who has the ability to fly, run fast, throw fire balls, read people’s minds, control people’s minds, or even have super strength. A hero is an average person that can solve problems within today’s society. A hero is an average person that steps up to the plate when the occasion arises. It can be anywhere at any time. A hero is just a regular person, just like you or me, that when they see a problem they take it upon themself to fix it. There are several examples of what constitutes a hero in today’s day and age. A hero could be found in the men and women of the Armed forces. They don’t have super powers, but what they do have is an unwavering sense of duty to serve for this country and its people. They leave their families behind and go around the world to unknown locations to defend our freedoms and rights as Americans. This is all so that we can maintain our way of life that so many Americans simply take for granted. Some of these heroes end up making the ultimate sacrifice, paying for it with their lives. Another great example of a hero is the police officers that serve in our police forces. These heroes are similar to a soldier, except the fact that police officers fight their battles in our own backyard instead of on foreign soil. They sit in stuffy cars and patrol for not only our safety, but that of our families as well. They like soldiers put their lives on the line daily for our well-being and our protection. These men and women, just like that of the Armed Forces, also lack super powers. They too have an overwhelming sense of duty to serve for our freedoms, liberties, and our country. The most common place to find a hero is in the places