Hailsham is the sole source in constructing inhumane ideas to the students that reflect their destiny as donors and perceived a short life. In the novel of Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro, students are taught that they are destined to be donors, and after the fourth donation their short life is granted. According to Stuart Hall in Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices, he brings up a topic about discourse, power and knowledge, which created by Michel Foucault. Hall believes that in Foucault’s theory of discourse can be define as “’how human beings understand themselves in our culture’ and how our knowledge about ‘the social, the embodied individual and share meanings” (Hall 43). In other words, hall stated Foucault’s idea about discourse as how people discuss or understand the idea of things in certain society. Hall also stated Foucault’s idea about only certain social institutions, such as school, have the power to construct meaning, create truth or knowledge
Cited: Ishiguro, Kazuo. Never Let Me Go : New York : Vintage Canada, 2005. Hall, Stuart. Representation: Cultural Representation and Signifying Practices. London: SAGE, 2003. Apple, Michael W., King, Nancy R..”What do Schools Teach?”. Curriculum Inquiry 6:4. 1977:341-358.